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beach987 12-24-2023 08:51 AM
The PCM 3.1 is run from a magnetic disk HDD. As with any magnetic HDD it is susceptible to failure. This failure is usually exhibited by a PCM that repeatedly reboots itself. But this can be avoided by preemptively duplicating and replacing the HDD with a SSD. The PCM HDD is located on top of the PCM. There are instructions on removing the PCM available on line. Except the PCM does not need to be removed completely. It does need to be pulled forward enough to get to the top of the PCM...
beach987 10-14-2012 03:16 PM
If you live in an area where there are trees that drop small leaves, as I do, you will know that these can sometimes work their way into the convertible top drain wells. If they are small enough they can even wash into the drains themselves causing them to get clogged and to drain slowly and at times overflow. This has been an ongoing issue since I bought my 987 nearly 5 years ago. Recently, however, I discovered a product designed to keep this from occurring. There is a little known...
beach987 06-24-2012 05:06 PM
Many of you may have noticed that we have a lot of information on the main page new. Each group of information is in a window or what we call Modules. The Porsche Links, PCA Links, UserCP, Tech Quiz. These are all Modules. With all that we have going on, they may take up a lot of space and you may need to scroll down the page in order to see everything. Some of these things change daily, some weekly and some not at all. Here is a little trick to help you manage the home page. Each module...
beach987 10-02-2010 11:30 PM
Suncoast 997 Sport Pedal Set My family was kind enough to give me a set of aluminum pedals for my recent birthday. The pedals they bought me are the 997 Sport Pedal set from Suncoast Porsche. Here is a link to them on Suncoast. 997 Sport Pedal Set I'm not sure who makes them, but I do not believe they are from Porsche as they don't carry a Porsche model number on them or on the packaging anywhere. In fact, the packaging was only a simple black box. However, they were packaged very...
beach987 05-16-2010 06:00 PM
When your cabriolet top no longer beads, it is time to reapply protectant. Cleaning and protecting your top will help it maintain its beautiful look and help it to last longer. It will also provide UV protectants that will help prevent fading and hardening of the canvas top layer. Especially in a hot, sun intense location such as Florida, where I live. I prefer to use RaggTopp brand protectant by Wolfsteins. RaggTopp is endorsed by Haartz, the leading manufacturer of convertible...

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