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Left Hander 12-12-2010 08:44 PM
I bought my 2003 Boxster S in Late April of 2010. The car was a great find and I have really enjoyed it and got a beauty. For some strange reason however there was not any 'hook' velcro part in the floorboard and the mats kept sliding forward. I looked on-line and could find new mats but no reference to the velcro part so I called SunCoast Porsche in florida and found out I could special order the part I needed. Each pair was aobut three and a half dollars. I needed the 'hook' parts on both...
Left Hander 12-12-2010 06:29 PM
Brakes 101: Brake Pad Maintenance Introduction Removing the brake pads is one of the easiest maintenance tasks you can do on your car and can be done with simple, basic tools you probably already have on hand. Until you do this the first time this job may seen risky and a task best left to your service technician. Don’t avoid it! It is amazingly simple and our cars have such a well designed system that there is very little risk of a failure because you assembled it improperly. Hopefully...
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